Monday, August 31, 2009

Download owls!

These wise guys are available to download (for only £1.00) on Mibo Studio website. The expression on each of the owl's face is priceless. It's fun print and create kit which includes 4 owl templates and instructions. Download yours now!


  1. good to see someone think this much on OWL.its OWLICIOUS

  2. thanks for visiting my blog!!
    I love your beautiful website on owls... all of the designs are very beautiful and i am very fascinated by them.

  3. I saw these on the paperkrafts blog earlier. I think they are adorable.

  4. @ Ravi Rai
    Owls is certainly the only thing on my mind these days :)

    @ Owl Eng

    @ Ann
    Yes! these are adorable.
    If you come across any more owl stuff which I can feature on my blog, I would love to know :)
