Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New pick me up!

I enjoy my tea hot with biscotti or iced on a hot summer afternoon. How do you like it? Do you fancy a purple tea? Good 4 you herbal tea makes Owl Friendly Tea Bath which is not meant for drinking, it's a bath tea " that turns a purply pink color". It has German chamomile flowers, hibiscus, milky oat tops & roses. This sounds refreshing and fun. I am ready to be pampered! Will cost you $6 for 1.20 oz of herbs in 4 tea bags.


  1. I fancy my tea with a drop of milk :-) All of my tea is decaf these days. Originally from England tea is every day drink for me,two to four cups. I Also drink iced green tea (decaf)

  2. I don't know how people do decaf. My body doesn't move an inch in the morning without caffeine. Btw, thanks again for adding me to your favs.

  3. your blog is so cute...I simply love it..

    Keep up the great work :)

  4. Thank you so much! Come back again :)
