Monday, October 26, 2009

Fabric, Fabric, Fabric

Owl Fabric 2

I found a lovely collection of owl fabric at Curtains for Kids. I am glad that I dug a little deeper on this website, as not only I found The owl and the pussycat print there, but I found it in two cute colors. I have realized during my searches, that it's a hard print to find, so I was delighted to find it in two varieties. Do you know of any other place where I can find The owl and the pussycat print fabric?

Other fabric prints are alphabets, forest and sleeping owl.


  1. Oh my goodness! These prints are all so lovely!!

  2. Oh my i love fabrics and these are soooo adorable! Thanks for sharing..wishing you a wonderful merry happy week and love to you!

  3. These are making my heart flutter! Fabric is one of my weakness!

  4. Oh my...your blog is ADORABLE!!!! Thank you for leaving a comment on mine so I was able to find you and your lovely blog! Plus this fabric is so sweet! I am off to read some more of your charming blog!

  5. I can't believe how you can come up with adorable owl inspired things daily! These fabric designs are sweet.

  6. Thank you all for your lovely comments :)
