Friday, October 23, 2009

Owl Calendars 2010 Part-II

Isn't this the cutest calendar? You can cut and trim the calendar cards and frame them at the end of the year like shown in the pictures above. Wow! You get a calendar and art all rolled into one. Isn't that wonderful? Available at JooJoo for $30.

English Muffin's calendar is a fun one. It combines whimsical prints with their signature animal illustrations. For $18. I like their use of the curly brace.

I like this one a lot because it is all-in-one really. It has 12 blank monthly calendars, to-do lists (with boxes to check off), and lined note pages (with subject and date to fill in at top). Nice! By Linea Carta for $24.

I am so glad that Linda of Olive Dear decided to use her prints in the calendar. I am a huge admirer of her work. Oh, did you notice the packaging box for the calendar? For $18.

This mini calendar is by Sweet Bonny. You get two owls in this calendar, in June and in November! For $12.


Yee-Haw Industries' "Guitar Playing Owl" 12-month tear away calendar.

The pages of this calendar are designed with a vintage letterpress calendar font printed in black ink, with a tiny lined section for events on the right of each month. For $13.

If you missed owl calendars 2010 Part-I, it's here.

How did you like my surprise post by our guest Catherine? Did you enjoy it?


  1. Love the calendars! I'm continually amazed with how you find all these fantastic things!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your comment. I love your calendars!

  3. I love the first calendar! What a neat idea with the cards. :)

  4. Thank you for your comment!What a beautiful blog.
    Look forward to coming back

  5. These are gorgeous calendars and i especially adore JooJoo's work. :) Oh yes i adore your friday freebie post lots...Catherine is so talented. :) Hope you're having a lovely merry weekend and love to you!

  6. loved your owls which I saw on NenaghGal blog.great to know about you

  7. I love the first calendars! They'll make a great present:) or maybe i'll just buy them for myself and frame it like u suggested hehe thanks for sharing!
