Monday, February 1, 2010

~Big and Chunky~

If you have been reading the blog then you already know that I am one of those people who wouldn't be caught dead with jewelry on. But today, I am loving this big and chunky owl necklace made of gold coins. I know it's a leap, but I guess I am ready for it!

{image from here...}


  1. it is quite a bold necklace, but cute!

  2. I love that owl necklace! plus, it fits with your blog name. I'm actually one of those people with jewelry on ALL the time so I guess we're polar opposites in that regard? haha.

  3. Go for it! Cool jewelry kicks your look up a notch!

  4. hiya - thanks for visiting my blog! love this one... i do indeed have an owl crush! i have a cute owl necklace that i love...bright and colorful. i'll have to send you a picture!

  5. never too late to try something new! I say go for it!

  6. After my grandmother passed, I inherited one of her costume jewelry owl necklaces. Now I collect them. This has to be one of my favorites I've seen!

  7. My friend has a necklace that looks similar....even though it is a pretty extreme piece of jewelry it looks great on her! I think you should go for it :)
