I made a promise to myself to not sit in front of my laptop this whole weekend. Is it hard for you too to stay away from your system? Or is it just me? I hope you have a relaxing weekend with your loved ones. Have a great weekend!
{photo by esoule}
For all owl lovers
this is so cute! :)
have tried going to coc rain's shop but it keeps asking for a password etc. Any ideas?
Jo xxx
Yep, I'm the same..if I don't work on my laptop, I check updates of the blogs I'm following :D So I hope I won't spend this weekend in front of the laptop neither. I plan some crafty stuff :)
@ Jo It was working fine when I last checked. May be, they made some changes or it could be temporary.
It is very hard to stay away, such a habit to check and recheck different sites, blogs, email ext. But a break is always a good thing!
it is impossible for me to stay away from my computer. well first of all, i work at a healthcare IT company so we're on our computers all day! but when i get home, the first thing i do is boot the laptop back up again! the only time i really get away is when we go out or when i'm sewing! i'm going to try and do more of both this weekend! have a great weekend!
I find it hard to leave my computer too. I love reading my favorite blogs and seeing pictures, so it's hard to deny myself that! Lol. But I'm trying to set aside more time to just enjoy the simple things of life, and so far it's going really well! I'm happy : )
Have a great weekend!
since I'm just a newbie, I can't help but be obsessed with posts, tweets, and updates on my favorite blogs! Oh yeah... and maybe commenting when the moment strikes. I hope I do stay hooked up cuz its the first time I've been this psyched up about my art in ages :)
Cute owl. I had every intention of staying off the computer this weekend but failed miserably. :0)
Same here, I totally get sucked in by my mac's screen. There are just too many fun sites and blogs.
I'm getting better at taking some time apart from it though.
happy sunday... hope you're having a nice one!
i LIVE on my laptop...so sad but true.
away from my system?? :O impossible i think if u will say miss meal in a day thts more easy 4 me ..lol
Meenaxi :)
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