Today, I received an email from Kate with the link to this pastel owl shaped cake, which inspired her to create this combination of an owl and heart shaped cake for her daughter. I think looks perfect! Kate, you did a great job and thanks for sharing your inspiration!
both are so so sweet!
I love the colours, and the idea of combining and owl and a heart are inspired!
OOohhh i want one, i'm forty this year is that excuse enough :)
Everyday, I look at my reader to see what you have come up with that have to do about owls. I am amazed everyday at the fun and interesting things you find. This one tops it all, not only because it looks amazing and super crazy fun, but because it is yummy edible! Have a great weekend!
Wow, this owl is impeccably perfectly made! The colors are soo sweet and cute too! How could you eat such a darling thing??
That is such a great cake! It's amazing how creative people can get! I am loving it! I think I am going to go out and get some cake today, you got me hungry!
That is the most gorgeous cake ever!!! My birthday is coming up, maybe I can get someone to make me one :)
That is too adorable to eat. What a great cake!
How adorable (: I love it's little feet.
You have a lovely blog. Have you seen Molly the barn owl live feed? Very cool http://www.sportsmansparadiseonline.com/Live_Owl_Nest_Box_Cam.html
This cake is just so cool and looks so delicious...which I could have it here in Copenhagen next Saturday for my babyboys party...
freakin amazing!!!
that is sooo cute!
I love it!
OH my gosh!! Your blog is wonderful!!
I love the cake and now want to do an owl themed party for our little girl.
What a coincidence! My brother used that owl cake for inspiration for this cake that he made me 2 weeks ago for my 25th birthday. :)
What a gorgeous creation!
ah! that looks too lovely to eat. :)
and i just posted some pictures of me wearing the anthropologie neckalce. :) i hope you like how i wore it! thank you so much. :)
This cake is a cute and vibrant work of art! I would feel too guilty to eat it :) Such an adorable owl!
And your blog is beautiful, so glad to have found you.
Aloha from Hawaii,
Hi there, someone just suggested I visited your blog and I'm so glad they did - what an inspiring blog! I'm just completing a series of owl posters for children - you can see them on my blog http://dotsandspotsdesign.blogspot.com/ I still have 2 more to do - that's my job for the next few days! So glad I found you.
Realized that no one will make me this cake for my birthday since I'm the family cake maker. So okay how goofy would it be to make a bunny cake based on this owl for Easter? Maybe I should make the owl cake and add an easter hat with rabbit ears? Of course all this is based on my finishing the window treatment fiasco I've got myself into!?!
@ Fotf Happy Birthday! Yes, that's a perfect occasion to bake :)
@ Casa Bella thank you so much for your lovely comments!
@ Sandy I know, this is too cute to eat.
@ Waterrose that's so awesome! Thank you! Now I can see owls whenever I want :)
@ kayleen so sweet!
@ Kim, owl cake with ears will be super cute! Go for it!
oh my goodness, I'm glad I found your blog! I love owls, and this birthday cake is so creative and fun to look at.
Thought I'd share one of my owls with you too :)
the cake is amazing as is Kate's..people are so talented. I have been scrolling through your blog and it just makes me happy!! I'll be back!!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I love all your owliness! This cake is wonderful, bright and tastey :)
True Owl love,
Whoo Whoo has been given an Award?
p.s I am passing on a Kreative Blogger Award to you!
please see my blog for more info,
Wendy x
Wow so bright & pretty, love the colors! Yummy :)
Someone who loves owls as much as I do! It makes me very happy.
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