Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Friday!

I wish you all a happy Friday and a beautiful weekend!

P.S. You can catch me on twitter where I'll be tweeting on and off about more finds for you.

{image via here}


Anonymous said...

This is lovely :)

Diana Mieczan said...

That is so cute! Wish you a wonderful weekend and have fun!

surfy birdy said...

i recently discovered you on flickr and am in love this all your owly findings!
peace & love.

Oh, My Darling said...

Ooh, a classy owl enjoying some tea, wearing her finest jewels! How delightful.

Mirjam said...

Hi! I saw you had left a comment on my blog, about the paper tea wallet I made. Great! I translated it in English, so you can read it better! Hope you like it!

Pixie said...

Oh this owl is beautiful!

Minnie said...

What an adorable picture. I, too, have a thing for miniatures.

You amaze with such a steady stream of cute owl things. Since visiting your blog, I suddenly see owls everywhere and have started my own owl collection, though I'm still playing around with the best way to display them, either separately or as a collection.

Pinecone Camp said...

What a happy little picture! The owl is so cute.

nickyboutique said...

This is cute!

ilovemyhouse said...

I think i'm in love! xx

Anonymous said...

awww...hope you had an awesome weekend

lorenabr said...

This is very cute :) Your art is amazing :)

Owl Eng said...

everything is fabulous, especially the owl. so elegant

lynn said...

Hope you had a great weekend, dearie! May you have a lovelier week! :)