If you have read all my posts then you'd know that I am a
Cadbury's lover. Sadly, I have never seen or eaten these chocolate buttons, but they sure do sound delicious! These yummy buttons were first designed in 1960 featuring a monkey, cat, pig, panda, penguin and of course, an owl with chocolate button as their eyes. This product is a perfect marriage between brilliant packaging and sumptuous chocolate.
I can't believe you've never had chocolate buttons. Where are you i'll send you some, seriously :)
How sweet of you :) Do you know if these are available in the US?
I don;'t think they are available in the US, at least not that I've seen when I've been there. I've taken them over for friends before. They are crazy morish!! I have to eat like 4 bags at once [they are really small bags!] and they always taste best when they come straight from the fridge! [drools]
Those are my kids (and husband's) favorite candy. Unfortunately we haven't found them here in the states so their grandparents always bring them some when they've been to Europe (every couple of months). If anyone knows where to get them here let me know!
sweet post mmmmm !!!
nice design !
I have found these at CostPlus WorldMarket stores here in the South (Georgia and Louisiana).
@Rachel I'll check with the one in my area. Thanks!
These are super cute.
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