Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cosas Mínimas

I'm loving these sweet and simple illustrations by Blanca Gómez of Cosas Mínimas (which translates to “tiny things”). There are over 50 designs in form of prints to choose from her store on etsy and some are available at Moo to create custom business cards and postcards.


paula said...

how sweet are these!

Anonymous said...

i *love* your blog. thank you so much for coming by and checking mine out. xx

Lynzy said...

Beautiful, thanks for sharing!

xo Lynz

Aurora said...

Great blog! Thank you for visiting mine! I hope you will return soon! Have a nice evening

orange sugar home said...

what a wonderful blog!! so clever...and I am loving that shu pottery! thanks for visiting osh!!

Haddock said...

Thats a coincidence.
My second last post is on Barn Owl.

CarrieJo said...

I just checked out your blog for the first time and it is adorable! I especially love the pictures in this post!

Heartfire At Home said...

Thanks so much for dropping by my blog and entering the giveaway! I LOVE owls, and can see I'll be frequenting your blog for new finds. I happened to see some of these designs on MOO a few days ago when I was browsing the mini moo card designs. So cute!

Linda. :)


Thank you for comment...
Your blog is adorable!


Unknown said...

I am fan of owls, and your blog give me great ideas all the time. Thanks for sharing beauties.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! they are soooooo cute, and beautiful!! thanks to you, I am an owl lover, already!! he he

thought of you (again)!!

love jenny xoxo said...

I love your blog, so cute! Great pictures too!

My Owl Barn said...

@ noemozica I'm going to check it out now. Thanks!