Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Weekend + Stitchery Collection

I'll wrap up for the week with this stitchery collection of hand sewn embroideries, vintage finds, beautiful patterns and colorful threads. Have a vibrant weekend!

P.S. My Owl Barn is on Facebook.


  1. Thanks for your visit 'chez moi'. A blog dedicated to owls, got me interested; and goodness how diverse are your posts; you must be on the lookout all the time for relevant owley material. Bravo, what fun... Linda.

  2. Very cute way to start the weekend! Seriously, I wish I could do this.

  3. Oh my these are precious. Embroidery is such a lost art - I wish more people still did it. Beautiful!
    XO Piper

  4. So so so amazing and cute at the same time!!

  5. Hi! You commented over on my blog a few days ago about a Pinterest invite. Did you get it? I sent it to your email. :)

  6. @ Ruth Yep, I got it. Thank you so much!

  7. What a beautiful collection! I wish I could embroider like this! I hope you're having a lovely weekend!

  8. I feel like I constantly comment on your posts about how great your owl finds are, and this one is no exception!

  9. i'm a little bit addicted to cross stitching- so obviously i love these.

  10. I absolutely LOVE these embroidered owl designs!!! I really need to carry embroidery with me wherever I go. Thanks for posting them :) Sounds like you had a fabulous trip!
