It's over 100 degrees here, and trust me I wasn't intentionally looking for a hot water bottle when I came across these cuties. These are so adorable that I couldn't help sharing them with you. These mini hot water bottles are by
Peter Alexander who is known for his fun and quirky products. If you are thinking of getting one for yourself, act now because these are going fast.
ohhh these are sooo super cute! i love how colorful they are and the patterns are so lovely!
It's hot with us right now and our a/c has packed in but I have to admit those are fun.
Hey! This would be a great idea for Tea Travellers. Keeping your Tummy Cozy, your Tea Warm and Stylish all at once.
Who woulda thought?!?
Yours Truly
omg. those are so cute! :D
So cute! Love the colorful patterns.
Hello, I just got your comment over on my blog and wanted to let you know that I've emailed you an invite to Pinterest.
By the way, your blog is awesome! I've never seen so many owls in one place before! :D
the matriuska's is gorgeoussssssss!!! and so de porcelain animals from habitat!!
I saw this in etsy and thought about you!! ^_^
who won the contest??? :D
@ Nem Thank you so much! I received one from Pinterest too.
@ noemozica Aren't they? I adore Habitat's figurines!
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