Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This Owl Owns This Town...

Rachael of Penelope and Pip has added a new print to her store of an owl with attitude called Chester, and he has an interesting past. Would you like to hear the story?

Chester had grown up in the west, where the owls were a little tougher than your average birds. Born of a Texan father and a mother who hailed from the wrong side of the tracks in downtown Boonah, he had grown into his cowboy boots and was now ready to claim his part of the street. With a swagger most becoming of an owl of his age, he eyed off the local lads. Watch out boys, this owl owns this town...


  1. I adore every single owl you showcase on your blog...and I want them all!! HA! HA!

  2. Oh, i love that story - the beginning of a book! Saw an owl the other day, on a churchroof. Part of a whole family, i was told. Owls are really special, and so is your blog :)

  3. This owl is charming and tender
    Nice accesories ( hug, bounce etc).
    All the days I visit your blog because is fun and nice.

  4. Aw, I love his mini biography and his mini hat!
