Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Birthday Giveaway

{Note: This week's new posts will appear below this one.}

Good Morning, everyone! It's my blog's first birthday and I want to share the joy of completing the year with all of you. Honestly, I wouldn't have reached here if it were not for you. Exactly a year ago, I had not the slightest idea that I would embark on this amazing journey and meet so many wonderful people and make friends online whom I hope to meet in real life some day. Thank you all for the lovely comments, encouraging e-mails and your constant support.

To celebrate my blog's birthday, I am giving away these Japanese Rice Bowls which I bought specifically for today and photographed myself. To enter (you must be a follower of My Owl Barn (click here to follow My Owl Barn):

Make sure you leave a comment here letting me know that you have liked and shared.

Winner will be announced sometime on July 21st!

Update: The winner for this is giveaway is Bao!


LourPeacock said...


I have liked and shared your site! :)

Lovely greets from Austria.

cb said...

can't resist more owls things for my collection...i follow you and now have liked you on my facebook and shared you with my other owl loving friends! maryj is my nickname on fb just in case ;) happy birthday blog!!!!

Ressa (ressamac on Twitter) said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I love your blog (and owls).

Jenny said...

I like you on facebook and shared the giveaway! what a fun one, so cute! :)

Pencio said...

I love owls, I have liked and shared your blog on facebook.

You can see some of my owls here Les chouettes de Pencio

Thank you for this giveaway

Delicate Eccentric said...

Been following on FB for a while now so that was an easy giveaway entry!!!

Those ricebowls are adorable as well!!

Happy First Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

Breathing In Grace said...

What a precious give-a-way...I adore the little bowls. I'm a follower...and I like you on Facebook...and I posted about it on Facebook!!! Thanks for a chance to win!

campblsoupgrl said...

It was the post on Facebook that showed me these bowls in the first place! I would have shared them even if there wasn't a giveaway going on - they're so cute!

Anonymous said...

these are way too cute!


Christina said...

Happy birthday to the blog! Thanks for sharing all your adorable finds and owlie cuteness every day.

I have liked and shared on fb.


Agnese said...

liked and shared . thanks for this giveaway :)
by the way... happy birthday!!!

funwithpoints said...

Like and shared on Facebook! I love owls and have put my classroom together with an owl theme. Thanks for sharing!

tajicat said...

Subscribed! I LOVE owls, have since I was little and have owls all over my house, even owl jewelry! Happy birthday to your blog, glad I found it! :)

Hopeandarrow said...

Hello :)

i have liked and shared your site.




Hopeandarrow said...

Hello :)

i have liked and shared your site.




Meg said...

I follow and I'm a fan on facebook!

Fotf said...

Good eves. Well i'm already a follower but shared and liked you on Facebook too :)

Erin Kim said...

Yay! Happy blog birthday! :) I really enjoy visiting your blog. I'm never disappointed! :)

I liked and shared!

Thanks for the snazzy giveaway - you have amazing photography/editting skills btw (I thought it was from a magazine!)!

Erin :)

Amapanther said...

Done and done! Thank you so much! and happy blog birthday!! Hope you have many others!
I blogged about your giveaway on my blog!

heatherromani said...


I have liked and shared your site! :)
-DC intern

heatherromani said...

sooo cute!!!

I have liked and shared your site! :)

-DC intern

Michelle said...

I am such an addict for your blog. Happy Birthday!!!!! I am just chomping at the bit to win these bowls!!!!!!!! Knuckle biting moment here!!!!! I am a blog follower, FB fan and I shared this giveaway on FB. Fingers crossed!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi there!

I have liked and shared, so sweet of you to do a giveaway for the big day of celebration, congratulations! Love all the little hootie heads and love My Owl Barn!

sydney85 said...

Great blog. Your giveaway is simply lovely.

I am a follower.

nicole said...

thanks for stopping by my blog. i adore owls...great site you have over here. oh, and happy blog-anniversary.

Pinecone Camp said...

Yippee! Happy 1st Year of blogging!
I love your blog, but I'm not a facebooker. Those bowls are pretty adorable.

mina said...

wow, i can't believe i never saw this blog before! me and my fiance are nuts about owls... and i found your site through the owl ringbearer service. it's a little late to order one, but it was a cool thought. love it. ^^

Else M Tennessen said...

I've shared and liked! Your website is my daily "owl fix." Yay for owls! Thanks for all you do, and blessings!

Melissa Blake said...

Happy Birthday!!! I love your blog!! xoxo

Inspired Shares said...

Of course I love your blog...and have shared! The bowls are beautiful, nice find!
Julie xo

Val's Dragonfly Whimsy said...

most definitely, I AM IN - love owls too - will go to FB and do a post :D

Unknown said...

Following, liking and sharing! Happy Blog Birthday! :)

Jocelyn said...

I have liked and shared accordingly. Happy blog birthday! :)


Denise :) said...

I'm a follower who's liked you on facebook and shared about your birthday giveaway on fb, too!!! Congrats! :)

Designwali said...

happy birthday! I always think of your blog when I'm at my desk looking at my little metal owl!

L.L. said...

lked and shared! love your site!

The Words Crafter said...

I just found this and entered. The bowls are gorgeous! I liked, followed, and shared!

L.L. said...

liked and shared! you have wonderful things on your site!

RedPhoenix said...

This is awesome, Mel! I've 'Like'd and shared the giveway on my wall. And I have no problem saying that I hope I win these bowls! I love them! LOL ;o)

AlainaLynn said...

Very cute! Shared them on facebook:!/shermacinski

Anni said...

Congratulations!! I hope you will celebrate a lot of birthdays. Your site is great!
I have liked and shared you on fb. Hope I have a winning hand...

Lanie said...

Liked and shared! <3 I love owls :]

Lanie said...

Liked and shared! <3

Anonymous said...

Liked and shared :)
hello for Nevada, USA

Unknown said...

Liked and shared!! Thanks

Kim said...

Hi, I am new to the internet and this is my first blog, if thats what you call it.
And I am very excited to come across your Blogg.
We are lucky to have owls living in a tree near us. I get great pleasure having them around. I noticed just the other day they have had a baby.
I am not a collector. If I was, owls would be it for me. And your gorgous bowls would be wonderful starting peices.
I look forward to your second year.
lol -Kim
(I have liked you on my facebook and shared your Birthday giveaway)

Kim said...

I forgot to tick my email for follow up, so here I am again.

My Owl Barn said...

@ Kim Welcome to the online world :)

Thanks for leaving the lovely comment and sharing about the new baby owl. It must be fun having them living in your tree.

Thanks for participating!

Anonymous said...

Hey!! Thanks for checking out my blog and commenting. It's funny you commented the day that you did, because I had just started reading the book "Wesley the Barn Owl" the same day!!!! Lovely blog!

Tigerlilly Quinn said...

yay Happy Birthday, I like your blog and FB :) xo

Kayleen Brown said...

I've liked you ever since you started the fan page and of course I shared! Happy Birthday and thanks for the eye candy every day!

Kelly said...

I have liked you on Facebook.

I also posted about the giveaway on Facebook. Congrats on the birthday.

Caitlin Jarvis said...

I have done both! I love owls so much! Thanks for this awesome blog.

Unknown said...

well, everything is done that is required now my fingers are crossed!

Anonymous said...

Love those bowls! I also love all things Japanese :) I have shared you wonderful giveaway on FB and I also "like" you also ;)

Happy 1st Birthday!!!


Anonymous said...

I was already a fan of everything... but I can "unfan" and "fan" again!! :p
I love the bowlssssssssssssss!!!

lorenmarie said...

I liked and shared. I'm loving that owls are in fashion right now, but I've liked owls since I was very young. My niece even nicknamed me Loren Owl. Thanks for blogging and posting all the cute owl stuff.

Alicia said...

Long time follower, first time commenter. Just wanted to say love your blog. And I liked and posted this giveaway.

Maura said...


jenng said...

shared on facebook & already follow you there & on here. LOVE the rice bowls!
Jenn G

Anonymous said...

LOVE the rice bowls! shared on facebook & already follow you there & here.

hilary said...

hello! i have liked and shared your site. i'm so glad one of my friends found this site for me. it's great.

My Owl Barn said...

@ lorenmarie I hope they stay in fashion forever! You must be a big owl fan too to get that name from your niece :)

Jane said...

Thanks for stopping by artfully graced today. It gives me the wonderful opportunity to "meet" you!

When I was in college, I collected owls...the mascot of my sorority. Many of those in my collection have similar looks to things you have posted here. What fun!

I truly enjoyed reading your info...and I can definitely relate to sharing books with those who do not have. I will definitely be stopping by again...Gotta see those owls....
Jane (artfully graced)

Weathered & Worn said...

Love the bowls, happy to share a birth day with you!

Anonymous said...

Liked and shared! : )

Anonymous said...

Thank you for creating a place for all of us owl lovers. Hoot-hoot-hooray for turning 1. Liked and shared on FB and following on Blogger.

Unknown said...

I am so following!I adore owls!!! <3

Nell Stanley said...

All three done. Shared on FB also. Thanks for offering the free giveaway. And your photo of the rice bowls, is excellent.

Kelly DeBie said...

I liked, I shared!

Christine @ Oh, Dinosaur! said...

these bowls are so cute! i have liked and shared on fb!


The Muse of The Day said...

Thanks for your visit. I took a peek at your blog, it is wonderful. Do you know what I like about owls? Both in real life and not, their faces are FULL of personality.

Bao said...

I came.
I followed.
I liked.
I shared!

Happy birthday!

Crazypatch said...

I love Owls, I liked and shared your blog on facebook.

amz; said...

I followed, liked and shared it ;)


meredith cheng - munaluna said...

major WOW!!! I am now a follower on your facebook and shared the giveaway with others! Those bowls are amazing...happy anniversary :)

Amy said...

Happy Birthday to your Blog! Thank you for stopping by mine as well :-D

Rhian Drinkwater said...

I have followed, liked and shared, thanks!

CustardCream said...

I Have liked and shared - Love this Blog x x x x - Happy Birthday -

Becky Dennison said...

Liked on facebook and shared x

HAPPY OWL said...

Happy blOWLg Birthday.I love the owls rice bow as I am an owl's collector

natsumi said...

Happy Birthday to your blog! Lovely bowls! I have liked and shared!

Artist Victoria O'Neill said...

Hello there, I do love your blog and visit it often. I follow your blog, I liked you on facebook and shared your blog to my wall. I wish everyone good luck with this giveaway, and hope the winner is me so I can give it to one of my daughters. haha!

Mia said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I love Owls (almost as much as I love dishes) and enjoy the great things you find and share here! I follow your blog.

Mylittlegreatworld said...

Happy first birthday.
all your post are a charm.

AJ said...

Those bowls are soooo cute! I need them. (In case I don't win, can you tell us where you got them? :D)

I follow, like, and shared you!

Happy blogiversary :)

PaganGypsy said...

I've liked, shared and followed.
Greetings from Pennsylvania

Realfrog said...

Happy Birthday My Owl Barn! I've been following your lovely Blog for about 6 months now without being an official follower but the giveway was a good incentive and made me sign up. Now I'm glad I have, even if I don't win!

Holly Knitlightly said...

Congrats on a year of blogging! :) I'm now a follower of your blog. I'm glad you found mine, so I could find yours!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I was glad to see you have a FB page, too. I 'liked' your FB page and shared the contest with my friends. Hopefully if I don't win, someone will take pity and buy a set for me ;-)

B said...

love your site!!
I have tweeted this =)

Happy Birthday!!

only one year?
So cute!

Sheritta said...

hey! I liked and shared on FB, these bowls are seriously sooo cute!
Happy birthday, blog!

kimvee said...

I liked you on facebook and I am now following you :) I love the giveaway! :)

ejorpin said...

I am now following your wonderful blog and shared the giveaway on facebook. I might even go and tweet about it!

mk said...

liked and shared! I love owls :D on my birthday, i had been given 5 owl necklaces from different friends, thank god it's all in different designs!

ParrotiseBeads said...

Liked and shared!

N Valentine Studio said...

Fantastic! I liked and shared!!!

Kelly Massman said...

Thanks for visiting my blog today! I've liked and shared you on FB!

Vijay said...

excellent post ..excellent snaps happy bday to ur blog u know my blog also as cool as like your blog//pretty nice contents…helps to learn some thing for a non-native speaker ….attractive and cool article(this post u wrote ) is cool as like my cool blog(of course name of my blog..haha)

Kim said...

Count me in!! These bowls are so cute!

Melissa said...

Great! I love owls!

Shukura Li said...

you have to do a post on where your love for owls was first discovered


My Owl Barn said...

@ Shukura Li Sure, I'll soon!

C'est La Vie said...

LOVE this, i will take it! :)

just emailed ya, i'm grabbing your button!

Mrs. Romance said...

I hope I'm not too late! I liked and shared!

Happy First Birthday, My Owl Barn!!

Alexandra Alcantara said...

I liked and shared in Facebook. I'm following you now as well. I hadn't discovered your blog before. I adore owls!