Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Cart Before The Horse: Dylan and Jo

Dylan and Jo Of The Cart Before The Horse are the creators of these stunning out of this world dolls. Their one-of-a-kind pieces are inspired by contemporary folk art and entirely hand painted.

"All the dolls are made of quilter's muslin that has been painted and sanded, then painted and sanded again, giving the fabric a rich patina that feels like old leather."

They have been featured in number of crafts' magazines and were recently on the front page of Etsy, inspiring many of us. Visit their blog for current updates and generous giveaways!


  1. I just love owls! Those are very cute dolls. :)

  2. Hi wat a nice blog. Thanks for visiting mine.
    grt, Helmi

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

    You have such a great site here. I had no idea there was such much owl artwork, jewelry and crafts out there to be had. So fun to look at everything.

  4. These guys are amazing! I missed them on the front page so thanks for highlighting them

  5. Thanks for shining a spotlight on our owly creations! You're nice :)

  6. They are wonderful! I love owls, too!!
