Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fashion Journal

I love the dark and mysterious styling in these photos. These photographs are the result of collaboration between Emily Abay and Bec Winnel on a feature about singer Bertie Blackman for Fashion Journal. The photographs were first shot by Emily and then Bec who is a graphic designer "drew the animals and put them on top of 3 photos." (I really thought that those birds and the cats were real.) The inspiration for the images came from Bertie’s song Byrds of Prey, Black Cats and White Owl.


  1. Wow. I really thought the birds and cats were real, too. I was kinda wondering how they got that one cat to arch his back just so! They sure aren't 'pretty' photos, but I'm terribly impressed with the design. :)

  2. i LOVE these photos. somewhat morbid even. but very inspiring.


  3. I like these as well. Makes me think of harry potter for some reason.

  4. Spooky but great pictures! Love the owl on the second one!

  5. intriguing work! i really like the overlay of the animal drawings. very creative!

  6. these are so cool! A little macabre. :)
