Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Friday + Tea

Happy Friday, everyone! I leave you with these beautiful photos which say "tea" to me. If you know me, then you already know that I am a coffee person, but I have decided to move out of my comfort zone and try tea. It's not like that I don't drink tea every now and then, but then again I just stick with black tea. The local co-op food store in my area has a huge variety of teas and my friend introduced me to tea with rice puffs. I had no idea that rice could be one of the ingredients in tea. Anyway, I really liked the taste of it (not that I am quitting coffee) and am going to explore other wonderful flavors like pomegranate green tea about which I read about on a blog. Do you have a secret tea concoction that you enjoy? I'll love to try it! Have a tea-some weekend!

{images from here, here, here and here}


  1. These design are perfect and beautiful to drinking te each day of week.

  2. this is so sweet! wow! i'm excited to have found this blog!

  3. i'm a big fan of the london fog-- earl grey, vanilla, and steamed milk!

  4. Love all those beautiful cups! And I've always been a coffee lover, too. Only to venture into the land of tea for the past couple years. There are some wonderful concoctions! I always loved green tea with jasmine (pretty standard) and earl grey (esp. dilmah, which is also pretty standard). But there are endless combos! Do you have a Teavana anywhere near where you live? They always have free samples of their latest makings and they are always delish! Happy weekend!

  5. I'm a coffee and tea drinker but in the mornings i have a cup of Lady Grey, it's kinda a citrus tea and perfect for first thing :)

  6. i'm a huge tea fan - all kinds - so i can't make a single recommendation - but have fun exploring.

    that first cup is really lovely - i'd enjoy drinking from that for sure

    thanks for coming by my little blog !

  7. Second one is my absolute favorite owl teacup!

  8. @ Heather I have never tried Teavana. I'll check with my local store if they carry it. Thanks for your recommendation :)

  9. The first teacup is my fav. It looks so delicate and sweet.

  10. What gorgeous images! I'm neither a coffee nor a tea person.. I'm all about hot chocolate!! Can't get enough of it! :) Hazel

  11. love the cups. my favorite is peppermint tea.

  12. Hiya miss owl lol and Thankyou so very much

    Well i only have my fujifilm camera at the moment ands its not cutting it really cuz its not a dslr....and film is like amazing lol and i want to get better at it.

    How good a photographer can one be if they cant get gr8 pictures on film too =0
    so yeah thats why

    but i will use digital aswell but im trying to focus more on film at the moment =)

    just out of curiosity on whos page did u find my blog??

    and i think its fab that u give the street kids in india books.. its the small things that really can make a big big difference!!


  13. @ Shukura Li Thanks for replying to my question. I do believe that film cameras are still awesome.

    I found your blog while searching for photography blog.

    Thanks for your kind words about my cause :)
