Thursday, July 8, 2010

Paola Zakimi

Paola Zakimi of Holli is an illustrator, painter and a doll maker, based out of Argentina. I'm in love with her lovely art work and find it very inspiring. She is currently running a sale on her store, you get 1 print free with every print you purchase. So, hurry! There are over 100 prints to choose from.


  1. hey, thanks for a comment! I popped over here to 'meet' you and read your profile. So you're from India... I was there, once, almost 20 years ago and I think of this adventure every winter when I put around my neck a scarf made from a sari bought there.
    Cheers from Poland.

  2. I just found your blog via the comment you posted on my blog and im really glad I did because My Owl Barn is so sweet! Im so glad you posted about this sale because ive been wanting the Eduardo print for ages :)

  3. @ Gosia It's nice to meet you too :) It's so good to know that own and enjoy a little piece of India.

  4. These are just lovely!

  5. Love these illustrations! Thanks for sharing about the sale!

  6. Her dolls and artwork are so whimsical! Thanks for sharing.

  7. love the innocence of these prints - really just stunning. thank you for sharing!

  8. Thanks for the head's up. Her work is lovely!

  9. these are absolutely gorgeous, i love the one of the girl in the boat!! i'll have to check this artist out, her work is amazing :)
