Thursday, August 12, 2010

Alice Melvin: Aviary Stamps

Have you seen Alice Melvin's new aviary stamps? This beautiful booklet contains ten gummed stamps to brighten up your letters and cards! These featured stamps is a collection of bird illustrations taken from Alice's Aviary series of screen prints.


Mitzi Curi said...

I love your blog! Owls are awesome....I'm a bird lover in general, and have been for years. Thanks for visiting my blog....I'll definitely bookmark your site and will visit again!


cb said...

oh my god these are adorable! i just started a penpal project that Oh my Darling blog started and this would match my bird themed cards! i will have to purchase :)


Linz said...

ohhhh my gooooodness, these are so wonderful! thanks for the intro! i'm off to check it out!

Marivic said...

Beautiful stamps!

Ashley Whitright said...

Oh I just love these. I don't want to use them though. I just want them for myself. Maybe framed or something in a bathroom?

rigel said...

These are so great! I'm just now learning of her inspiring work. Off to check out more :)

Pinecone Camp said...

They're beautiful! They remind me a little of Charly Harper's bird prints.
Love these stamps!

Jennifer Young said...

oh man! sooo amazing!

Abby said...

Love them!

Unknown said...

love the owls and colourful birds

Victoria Klein said...

Great finds! Both the owl and non-owl drawings are great. ;)

ejorpin said...

Fabulous find! The illustrations are gorgeous, and I love the whole stamp concept

Rhea said...

I love these and would absolutely frame them! So sweet for a kid's room.

littlemithi said...

Lovely blog ... thanks for the commnet over at mine. I was looking thrpough your blog and was reminded of some of my favourite owl illustrations - and I realised you didn't have them!

They are by my friend, tutor, and all round awfully nice guy, Ben Newman.



Beatrix Kiddo said...

OWLovely is your blog...;) **

My Owl Barn said...

@ littlemithi I adore Ben's art work. His owl meow is my all time favorite. I can't believe I haven't already featured his pieces on my blog. I'll soon in my forthcoming posts. Thanks for the reminder :)

seesaw designs said...

How adorable and sweet!

Herbstkind said...

oh wow! they are amazing! Thank you for sharing all these lovely birds!