Happy Friday! I'll wrap up this week with some interior inspiration and a news. First inspiration, I searched online and made a collection of few of the inspiring interiors in these beautiful homes. I hope these photos inspire your next room design. Do you see any thing inspiring and can use at home?
Second, for those of you who have been reading my blog from the beginning would know that I maintain two houses one in the US and the other in India, and I often hop between the two places. This time we are going to India sooner than we expected (our flight is this weekend.) Before I get totally sucked into packing, I want to wish you all a happy weekend. I'll report next week from India!
Love this! So inspiring.
Thanks for sharing all these beautiful photos! The pink Lolalina room is stunning. :)
xoxo Hannah
i love the bell jar in that first picture! i can't believe you're heading to india. i am beyond jealous. thanks for the comment! i'll be stopping by again for sure!
I'd love to someone take the beds from the second and the third images and swap one for my own! They look so comfortable & owl-y awesome, haha!
I don't know how long it'll take you to fly to India... but I'll just go ahead and assume it takes awhile, so I wish you a happy flight with good reading material, or good movies to watch!
Cute!! Everything looks nice ;)
I was gonna name my blog The Owl's Nest! But I guess your blog suits the word 'owl' better.
I did name my DSLR Little Owl though =)
It's a pleasure stumbling upon your blog, hope your weekend is lovely.
enjoy your trip! I love the House to Home room!
i want that owl lamp!!! i wish i knew where i could buy one!
Love the Rhino and Bird and Monolo Home rooms best!
Great spaces! I spy the cute owl lamp from Urban Outfitters that is in my son's room. :) Hope you have a safe flight!
AH! CAN do every room with an owl!
I love the colorful quilt/owl pillow room. Maybe when my girls get older...
I actually own the ceramic owl hangings in the 4th photo. I thrifted 3 of them last year, and I absolutely adore them.
Hahahaha I was reading this entry in my google reader (I have 1,000+ unread items right now, which is why this is so late!) and I was thinking about how much you would LOVE this entry. I thought I was reading it on http://www.desiretoinspire.net/! Haha.
Hope the flight to India goes well and you have fun! :)
i like every piece of the interior inspiration here!! so beautiful and inspiring! owl rocks!!!
ohh, have a wonderful trip to India. Wonderful interiors indeed....I would love to see pictures of both your homes. Are they some where on your blog?! Safe travels!
@ Claire I'll post some photos of my house in India as soon as I am done unpacking and cured of jet lag :)
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