Thursday, October 28, 2010

Owl Baby Sweater Pattern Giveaway

Kathrin is an artist based out of Cologne, Germany who loves to collect patterned paper, beautiful things and owls. She recently knitted this adorable short sleeved owl sweater, its pattern is available on her store on Etsy for only $3.50. But she is so generous to giveaway the pattern to 5 lucky winners from My Owl Barn readers.

1. To enter, you must be a follower of My Owl Barn (click here to follow My Owl Barn)
2. Like My Owl Barn on Facebook, and
3. Share this giveaway on Facebook

Make sure you leave a comment here letting me know that you are a follower and have liked and shared.

Winners will be announced sometime on November 1st and the receive the file in email.
Our winners are DeBie Hive, Sewfast, Elvira M., Crazypatch and SactoSylvia. Congratulations!


  1. I am a follower of your wonderful blog! I am also following on facebook - ans I will hop on right over there to post about this gorgeous giveaway!!!

  2. Oh yes please, I would love to make this for my baby niece for Christmas! It would look SO adorable on her!

    I follow you on Google Reader.

  3. This is simply adorable! I would love this! I've been following you for a while now, my little girls loves all things owl. :)

  4. This pattern is so cute.
    I have doing the 3 points.

  5. Done, done, done :)

    I would like to have a sweater like this myself :D

  6. I follow you both on your blog and on facebook, and I shared the link. I would love to win the pattern. Thank you for posting all the fun owl things you find.

  7. I'm following you! And I shared on facebook. This would be perfect for my new baby cousin! He was just born, and needs a cozy sweater to keep him warm this winter :)

  8. hi hi! i stumbled upon your sweet little blog and i couldn't help but hit the follow button! can't wait to follow your adventures in the future! xo - kate

  9. I look at your blog daily (or more!) Love it. You're the best. Thanks for the constant owl fix :)

  10. Hi, a love this sweater;
    so, I alrady have followed and have liked and shared in facebook, cause I wanna win the pattern.

  11. gorgeous knit pattern.
    i'd followed thru' all three.
    :) thank you!

  12. Hi - I have followed for ages, but never 'officially' love your site. My sister in law knitted the cable knit owl sweater from Kate Davies at Needled for my daughter. Sadly she is outgrowing that one... SO! This one would be a great Christmas pressie :)

  13. I am a follower of your blog and on facebook and have shared this post on this giveaway :o)

  14. Je connais un petit Gabin qui serait ravi avec un joli pull comme celui là... bien sur le suis avec un immense plaisir ton blog....

  15. I am a follower and it would be great to knit the cute Owl sweater for my Grand Baby

  16. just posted to fb! i would love to make this for my little one!

  17. I liked it on facebook, and I STILL LOVE THIS!!!

  18. @ crazypatch Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment (I translated it in English :)

  19. Done, done, and done! Please enter me in the giveaway....thank you!

  20. I've done everything you've asked, now I am crossing my fingers!

  21. What a wonderful sweater! I finished all three "tasks" - would love to try this pattern!

    Thank you!

  22. I LOVE this! And have done all three tasks. I wonder if I could make this in an adult size. HAHAHA!

  23. Merci beaucoup .. je suis ravie... Thank you... It's so cute
