Thursday, October 21, 2010

Owl Themed Birthday Party - II

Thank you Ashlee for sharing your daughter's second birthday party photographs with us. Ashlee was inspired by the dress she found at a kid's store. It amazes me the how we find inspiration all around us and what we do with it. Has something inspired you lately? 


  1. My heart is melting right now! The little girl is adorable and the whole party looks amazing. Kisses and have a great Thursday

    Btw: who made that amazing cake? Was it the mom?

  2. @ Diana Isn't that adorable! The cake was made by birthday girl's grandmother.

  3. These are too cute for words...especially the little girl and the owl cookies!!!

    Liesl :)

  4. The bday girl is so adorable and sweet that i want to give her a cuddle and kiss right away...

    how i wish i could revisit my childhood and make it different by having such a beautiful bday party!

  5. Do you know where the cookie cutter for the owl cookies was purchased? Thanks!

  6. wow, I am amazed at the creativity of this perfect party. Love!

  7. Y'all are so sweet -- I just now realized that you had posted this, Shivani! Thanks to all of you for all the sweet compliments. And Blair is not only cute -- she is the sweetest thing you will ever know! I'll check on the cookie cutter!

  8. @ Ashlee I am glad you could stop by :) I did see one owl cookie cutter on Amazon but not the one used for the party. Yeah, let us know if you find out where can we get it from.

  9. The cookie cutter is from -- "owl cookie cutter, wise"

  10. @Ashlee Thank you so much for the info.!
