Monday, December 13, 2010

Mural At Disney's Contemporary Resort

The Grand Canyon Concourse at Disney's Contemporary Resort features a beautiful 90 feet high mural made with over 18,000 ceramic tiles by Mary Blair a very talented artist and designer. The mural depicts southwest theme including native-American children, bright colored flowers, trees and owls. It's look magnificent! Have you seen it in person?

{images via here}


  1. It looks amazing and I would love to see it in person:) Happy Monday, my dear

    Ps: I am hosting a beautiful home decor GIVEAWAY today, just in time for Christmas!

  2. Yes! I've seen this in person! I'm fortunate enough to live here in Orlando so I can see it anytime... It's simply AMAZING!

  3. That looks so gorgeous, must be even more in person!

  4. i love these (and just about anything else by mary blair)!
    another great post, thanks!
