Thursday, December 9, 2010

Renée Seaman Treml

These are limited edition prints from Renée Treml's newest collection Nested. Each print is of her original illustrations using a technique known as Scratchboard. "For this method Renée starts with a board that has been coated with a thin layer of soft white clay, which is painted with black ink. The ink is then scratched away with a fine blade, revealing the white clay beneath." Her prints can be ordered through Udessi, an online art gallery. They do deliver worldwide!


  1. What a wonderful surprise to wake up and see my artwork in one of my favorite blog's newsletters! Thank you so much for featuring my work.


    PS-I love my desktop owl calendar and would love to participate next year if you do it again!

  2. LOVE the last one.

  3. @ Renne Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. What a pleasant surprise for me too :) I am huge fan.

    I'll be my pleasure to add your artwork in the calendar the next year.
