Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Owl and The Pussycat: Bonnie and Bill Rutherford Lear

Do you too find it fascinating that the same story can be told by a different story-tellers in their own unique style? Edward Lear's The Owl and The Pussycat is a classic love story which has been illustrated by many artists. The shown illustrations are by Bonnie and Bill Rutherford Lear of a charming owl and lovely pussycat, published in 1968. Many of us know this love story and enjoy it till today. Amy who has loved the book since her childhood was kind enough to sent me the images from the book to share here. The illustrations are incredibly realistic, and every page is chock full of beautiful colors and awesomeness. There are only a few copies left of this vintage beauty at amazon.


  1. Oh, my God! This one was one of my favorite poem-fairytales! I had a series of recorded famous fairytales and I used to listen to this ALL THE TIME! So many memories...

  2. I just looked up this poem the other day when I was determined to draw an owl and a pussy cat (in a pea green boat) on one of the pages in my sketchbook project! Funny how it keeps popping up!

  3. This Edward Lear's nursery rhyme is my all time favorite and has been inspired me in creating my craft :)

  4. I have this same book! It was my all time favorite as a child! I had the whole thing memorized. Love the artwork even today!

    I am so happy that I found your owly blog!
