Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Tale Of A Bored Owl

the little owl is bored
he starts playing with the cup

plays some more...
and more...

turns it...

climbs it...

finally, the owl is tired from all the activity and decides to rest
Sweg makes adorable felt animals including donkey, fox, pig and owl. This snowy owl is a special one. Why? Because he has done a great job at keeping himself busy playing with the cup when he was bored out of his mind. I think he earns the title of a wise guy :)


  1. I don't think I've ever commented on your blog before (perhaps I have but I can't recall). This ridiculously cute post has prompted me to tell you how much I enjoy your blog.

    Now back to lurking ;)

  2. Thank you! Merci! Danke!!
    I offered the bored owl and your wonderful calendar to a little Paul (not as a toy, for decoration) who will, I am sure, become a great fan of "My Owl Barn" too. Kindest regards from Paris!

  3. Oh, such a cute little owl! And a playful one :))
    Thanks for sharing!

    Best wishes,

  4. Many thanks for linking this again! I love this owl blog but started following after January 2011, and this little tiny owl and cup show so much confidence.

    It is truely a fabulous photo shoot and I love it!

    Smiles, cyndi
