Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kala Noel Of Doris Anne

I stumbled across Kala Noel's blog and was thrilled to see her owl collection. As I read more about her, I discovered that she is a huge owl lover. She shares "I collect many small animal figurines, primarily owls and place them all throughout my room. I'm completely inspired by nature and antiques. I think the two of them together make for a lovely little setup!"

From her blog:" If you were to ask any of my friends to describe me as an animal they would all have the same answer: "owl." Which I am completely fine with!"

Her love for owls inspired her to create this lovely collection of handmade plush owls. To ensure one of a kind pattern Kala drew each owl by hand and finished it by sewing vintage doily on its tummy. Available in her online store - Doris Anne.

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