Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Giveaway: Wooden Owl Studs


Happy June! Can you believe we are almost halfway through the year already! In this brand new month, I have a wonderful giveaway for you by Shermaine. She owns a cute little store on Etsy - The Play Things where she sells adorable hand crafted jewelry. From her lovely pieces, she has graciously offered these Wooden Owls Studs for My Owl Barn readers.

Shermaine shares: "My reality is collected ideas. Versions of what we see, and to many a time; miss. A breeding ground of thoughtful portrayals, floating whispers, dark yet happy juxtapositions. Its all here, its why I live, and these are my gifts to you. Interpretations of one mind gone and seen to many things. But through seeing them, and living them; I have become instinctual to wake up, or provoke, everyone and let us remain as a kid once we were. 

I'm a funny little thing most of the time and don't take myself that serious, but my work/creative output is another story. I read most people who are comedic are usually the most troubled/darker thought-filled ones. If that holds true, that would be me. Two very polarizing aspects that make me. Thus the name, "theplaythings"everyone of us has a story, a tale to tell. My entire goal is to manifest that all together in every shape/mood/form, and bring new understanding to such. Ravage through forgotten play things, dolls, in a trunk hidden away. That's what I want to uncover. The human condition, our slept dreams, to bring humanity back to you, me, and everyone we know."

This giveaway will have one lucky winner who will win these lovely owl studs. This giveaway is open to all international readers, so hurry and enter now!

All you need to do to participate is to follow My Owl Barn (click here to follow My Owl Barn). Make sure you leave a comment here letting me know that you are a follower.

Winner will be announced sometime on June 8th!

Update: Our winner is Shellsea. Congratulations!


Millie Masters said...

would love these, i'm a follower :)

panova said...

I`m too!

rebecca said...

I love love love this site. I decided to follow even before I saw the giveaway. I would love those owl studs!!

Ils.e said...

I'm a follower!

owlsomegal123 said...

I'm a follower! <3 your blog!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute! I'm a follower :) I loveeee owls! xx

Kat said...

These are so cute! I follow your blog

Chris and Loyce said...

I'm a follower. Love your blog!

Karen Farley said...

I love your website and I am a follower. Thanks. Have fun.

Christy said...

I'm a follower! I love this site. Thank you so much for posting such cute owl items. :)e

s. said...

So cute! I'm a follower!

Sugar Butter Baby said...

I'm a follower!!

Unknown said...

Oh my god, I love owls and I love buttons, so I'm praying! Love the blog! Hugs from Portugal

kBr said...

love love love! i am a follower!

Pažitka said...

I am follower!

Mascottblog said...

I am a follower , and I would love to win those lovely owl studs !!!!

Jo said...

Followed! And these are adorable!

poppylover said...

I am =)))

Alin said...

i'm a follower..
do you announce the winner or directly contact the winner??

Nila Listiana

marianne said...

so cute! thanks for this giveaway!
I follow your blog through google reader--I hope that counts, too.

Unknown said...

I'd love to have these for my daughter. I'm a follower.


My Owl Barn said...

@Nila After I announce the winner on the blog I send the winner an email letting them know that they have won :)

elmwilson said...

I love your blog! I visit frequently, am a follower, and love owls!

Stacy said...

I AM A FOLLOWER!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this site!!!!! Thank you for all you do!!! ;)

Brandi said...


Giulia said...

ciao,I am a follower of my owl barn,and I visit daily your beautiful blog.I love owls!!!!Giulia

Margo B said...

I'm a follower

Tamara said...

happily following along. what a lovely pair for everyday.

The Suburban Druid said...

I'm a follower!

Shellsea said...

I follow. Those earrings are so cute.

Love, Shellsea Blog

Rebecca's Emporium said...

These are gorgeous! I am already a follower :)

kathleen said...

I must admit, I' liked owls before I found your website. Now I LOVE owls. I'm a follower!

Villainen said...

i'm too! i love owls.

Julia said...

i´m in love with this lovely giveaway. and a follower of course ;)

Unknown said...

thank you for this chance. hugs

sweetiebug said...

So glad I stumbled up your blog. It's amazing all the owl related items that are out there. The owl themed cake are my faves.

sharon said...

I'm a follower and I LOVE these!

Laura Johnson said...

Adorably lovely! I'm already a follower through Google reader - have been enjoying the owls muchly!

lisbonlioness said...

been following you happily for quite a while now! Oh boy, I would love these :)

Fiona Sawyer said...

Love your blog - a little bit of owl a day goes a long way. I am a follower and would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity.

Dawn said...

Love these earrings! I'm a follower!

Courtney said...

You brighten up my email box each day that is why I am a follower through and through. Thank you for such a beautiful dedication tomy my newfound love of these owls!!!

lsquaredstudios said...

I love these and I'm a follower!

amberlee said...

Love these little darlings! I am a follower.

readysetlove said...

I am a follower and think those studs would look lovely on my ears. :)

Suzanne said...

these are too too cute!!!

Juddie said...

I'm ur follower :)

Fadzillah Kamarudin said...


id : Fadzillah Kamarudin

janeeeeeee said...

Proud to follow! :)

Alyssa said...

I'm a follower! These are super cute :)

Mrs. Brown's Pre-K said...

I LOVE OWLS!!! Of course I am a follower! =)

Amy Eaton said...

I'm a major follower! Here's hoping I win!

Cassie Bustamante said...

i am a follower! these are sooo fun!!! and so me!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I'm a happy follower of your blog (o:

Christina said...

Super cute! I am a follower and have been for a while. ;)

Jess said...

I'm a follower!!!!

Cloe Perry said...

Imma a luvly follower :D ive been reading since you started xx

Cloe Perry said...

Ohhh im a follower :D xx

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Connie | Daydream In Color said...

Those are the sweetest!

Yana said...

very pleased to be your follower!:))

ahsumaker said...

I'm now a follower

Lennon said...

I'm a follower!

jody said...

SOOOO cute! I'm a follower! Would wear these all of the time!

k8inorbit said...

I'm a follower! I love this blog. I actually read it via the RSS feed, instead of following it directly on Blogger.

Melody said...

I adore your blog and I am a follower.

Unknown said...

these are adorable!Just like your site!Thank you

Georgia lucky button said...

It is time that i follow and I adore your creations with the owls!
I wish you a happy summer with many creations!

- -rxndr! said...

these are gorgeous! i can only imagine how well they'd fit!
and of course...i am a follower :) long time!

Unknown said...

i'm a follower! these are too cute!

janie said...

I'm a follower from singapore! keeping my fingers crossed!

JENNI said...

Sweet owls! I'm a follower

Eliff said...

I'm a follower from Turkey and a fan of owls since university (the mark of which is an owl representing fine arts).I'd really like to take these for my collection :)

marilync said...

Hi! Love this site. I have been a follower for some time now.

evaowl said...

I'm a follower too :D

monica said...

following! such cute earrings, i would love to win them.

Megan said...

Im a follower

Tine said...

Instant Owlish feeling. Love!

Kerri-Jane Mitchell said...

I follow all the time!:) love the studs!!

Anna said...

I'm a follower and have gotten so many ideas from this it!

Amanda Eldevik said...

follower :)
those are absolutely adorable!

Megan R said...

Oh I would totally love these! And I'm following you!

*Lissa* said...

i follow!

aer13 said...

Love these! I am a follower! :)

aer13 said...

I am a follower... and I love this giveaway! :)

Hà Hóng Hớt said...

Lovely:X already followed :>

Abi said...

I'm watching you... :P

Marisa Simmons said...

Loyal follower, and loving this giveaway too! :)

IntaNBerliaN said...

I'm a follower!

oh amy said...

I'm a follower. I couldn't live without "My Owl Barn".

simsey said...

hello! I'm a follower too and i love owls and you blog! the wooden owl studs are so cute! i love it!

Michelle @ Taste As You Go said...

I'm most definitely a follower. :)

Unknown said...

what a cool blog - just followed!

thatissocute said...

those studs are too cute!

I'm still following you!

mrpigglersmom said...

I look forward to this everyday. I ordered the apron, and now I want bags!!! You are the best!!!!!

Anonymous said...

too cute!!! I follow u thru email - my computers kinds weird and not a fan of rss,google,etc :(

tiffany sexton

BirdieGingham said...

We need a site like this for the UK, it's AMAZING! XXX

Taryn said...

eeep these are really cute!!! i'm a follower :)

tiefazatie said...

im ur follower!



alli said...

love this! :)))

Sarah said...

Love these earrings! And this blog!!

Jodie said...

Love Love Love these...hoot hoot I hope I win!

Sandra said...

I love owls and I am a follower !

mailisart said...

very nice, thank you
leave a message on my blog

poppylover said...

And who is the winner???

poppylover said...


My Owl Barn said...

@ poppylover The winner was announced and contacted. It seems that I forgot to save the update in the post before publishing it. Sorry about that and thanks for pointing out.
Have a great day!

poppylover said...

Оh, thanks to you :)