Thursday, June 2, 2011

Owl Kitchen Timer



Wouldn't you want this cute little guy to keep you company in the kitchen while you bake or cook? This owl kitchen timer is also a great gift for a timer collector or a budding chef in your family. Just turn the head counterclockwise to desired setting and this wise guy will give a hoot when the food is ready! This Owl Kitchen timer is available in three colors here.


  1. I've seen it a few times in a Belgian shop and everytime I saw it, my heart said: 'Ooooh, I want that!'

    But I guess I'll wait till our timer gets broken (what never seem to happen, although he often falls from a height of 1m70!).

  2. I have it !!!! Right this blue colour. Hoo,hooo! It was a much loved present from my partner and it does his work strongly. No way you overcook the pasta.

  3. I don't have a kitchen timer. But I may have soon! Those are too cute.

