Monday, August 22, 2011

Jon Stuart Anderson

I first discovered Jon Stuart Anderson's amazing sculptures at a store at the airport. I know, it's a pretty unusual place to find an incredible artwork such as Jon's clay animals. Jon creates these sculptures combining colored fimo clay, and unique ancient glass technique called "Fiore".

"He begins by laying canes or blocks of different colors of clay next to each other, starting from the center of the design and working outward, creating a number of visual borders around the original image. Each of these illustrations in clay is the size of a large loaf of bread when first constructed, and the loaf is then stretched to double its length and cut in half. This process is repeated over and over, each time reducing the actual size of the original image or illustration by half until the final cross section is the size of a small coin. The small canes are then thinly sliced into intricate tiles using a surgical scalpel.

This process is the same for each unique design, and each animal is made up of multitudes of different images, amounting to hundreds of these tiles being hand applied to every sculpture."

Watch this video to get a glimpse at the process.


  1. Wow, those are amazingly beautiful! thanks for sharing


  2. Oh. My. Goodness. These sculptures are stunning. I love them all.
    The amount of work and vision that goes into each one is amazing to see. (I watched the video). Thank you so much for showcasing Mr. Andersons' work.
    Tracy (Canada)

  3. I have seen people make canes with food in mind, but this is over the top, wonderful imagination, and lots of follow through. I am a fan, wish he did a horse though, LOL
    I am horse crazy. but the other animals are amazing!

  4. @ Anonymous I know he is amazing! You are right, horses are cool too :)
