Monday, September 12, 2011

Karen Daryne

"Lady Owl" & "Blue Bird"
 "Blue Bird, Black Sheep" & "Mermaid"

Karen Daryne makes these embroidered pieces that are a the most stunning combination of hand stitching, machine stitching and crochet i have ever seen!

Artist says: "I love old style with new twists. I am inspired by old photographs, old books, old poems, and old words, but see them with a new twist of whimsey. The intricate, yet simple style of the primitive handwork done by women and sometimes girls in the Victorian Era is enchanting."

Stop by her blog to see more of her amazing work.



  1. Oh, thats very nice and funny. Thank you! and greetings from Parisian owls!

  2. Thank you so much for the lovely post! Enjoyed all the Owlness,I'll be back. Karen

  3. @ Karen You are very welcome! Your work is amazing!
