Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays + Links



2012 calendar, a perfect last minute gift. Download here for free!

Check out these owl, reindeer and bunny Christmas tags.

More holiday printables here.


Decorate your desktop with this and this.

Tie a ribbon around these recipe cards and they'll make a great gift.

Decorate your tree with these ornaments.


Get gift wrap (and more) for free from Owlways Christmas Giftwrap Set.

Happy holidays everyone! I am signing off for the holidays so wanted to wish you lots of joy, happiness and love. I am thankful to you all for reading my posts, sweet comments and your support for our Owl Lover 2012 calendar. I'll leave you with the above links that will take you to several useful Christmas freebies and downloads. Blogging on My Owl Barn the coming week will be sporadic, but I'll be sharing my finds on twitter and facebook. See you back here with regular blogging in 2012!

{sources: top image via here, letters from here, second image My Owl Barn}


Nicole Underwood Gonzalez said...

Delightful post! I love them all!!

Melissa Blake said...

Here's to a wonderful weekend and a great New Year! :)

Kathy said...

Love owls. Saving this to my Pinterest! I have a category called Owl Love It!

Unknown said...

Love your blog. Thanks for calendar. It's beautiful.
Happy new year.

jen said...

thank you again for the lovely calendar collection!