Thursday, April 5, 2012

Artist in LA LA Land

Los Angeles based illustrator Melissa Kojima is the master mind behind the online store 'Artist in LA LA Land'. Her shop has a large selection of vintage inspired articulated paper dolls and fun cards, some of which are pop up, moveable cards.

She made this "Owl and the pussycat" paper doll set inspired by Edward Lear's poem. The vintage inspired set includes an owl doll & a pussycat doll in Victorian swim suits, a beach ball and a beach background.

Make sure you stop by her store and take a look at the unique Easter gifts like eggs that hatch bunny rabbits with top hats and ties.


  1. Ah, thank you so much. I really appreciate it!

  2. Anne-Marie BerenguelApril 8, 2012 at 9:15 PM

    Thanks to
    Newsletter from i discover today your owl barn!
    I'm an owls lover and collector too!!
    I can send you pictures of all my owls in cross-stitch and pottery if you want to show them on your blog.
    Anne-Marie from France

  3. @ Melissa You are very welcome!

    @ Anne Marie I'd love to check'em out! Please send me the images.
