Mode4u is a online kawaii store that offers cute stationery, bags, accessories and fabrics imported from Japan and the USA, and made accessible to the customers worldwide. Hong Kong based company is managed by Sandra Boch with the help of her husband and two full time assistants a team of five people.
Today, I am excited to share with you that modes4u has offered a bundle of 10 fat quarters each in super cute prints and an adorable wooden stamp set to one lucky winner. This giveaway is open internationally. So, please read the giveaway rules below to enter now.
To enter the giveaway:
- Visit modes4u and leave a comment here telling us your favorite product.
- You must be a follower of My Owl Barn (click here to follow My Owl Barn). Leave a comment letting me know that you are a follower.
For extra entries:
- Blog about this giveaway with a link to the giveaway and modes4u website. Leave a separate comment here for 1 extra entry.
Update: Carla G is our winner! Thank you all for participating.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 335 of 335 Newer› Newest»mi tela favorita en la tienda es de robert Kaufman Buho tela. Me parece encantadora. Un abrazo, Raquel
grey oxford fabric with red birds from Kokka Japan is deffinitely my pick !! Love the colors and geometrical compostition <3
And I'm am an owl-loving follower !! ;)
I love colourful tropical birds fabric parrot Robert Kaufman. I cross my fingers. hugs
we follow on owlbarn on twitter, and modes4u on facebook.
we love owls.
pick us pick us ....
I'd never heard of Modes4U prior to your blog post, but they will definitely be seeing my money winging their way soon, free international shipping ftw!
My fave items are the washi tapes, I adore washi tape and they've got so many wonderful designs, in particular the flowers and roses design - must have!
Fantastic giveaway, I am now following! And a FB fan :)
I am a follower! I love the Robert Kaufman colorful owls - ! Thanks so much for the chance!
Im in love with this one! green flannel fabric birds paisley by Robert Kaufman :)
Im your follower on the modes4u twitter, fb, and blog.
then :
GFC : Annisa Pratiwi
FB : Annisa Pratiwi Sudarmadi
URL :!/iichach/status/187999237726945281
Url :
sidebar :
thankyouu modes4u! :)
So sweet! I love Matrioshka fabrics :) & I'm ur follower.
Followed modes4u on Facebook
Followed modes4u on Twitter.
Thanks for having this giveaway!
My fav products on modes4u are....All the adorable plushes especially the rilakkuma ones!
I am a follower of your blog :)
I like modes4u on Facebook :)
I have followed you and liked Modes4U.
My favourite Modes4U product is of course the adorable owl stamp set (
I adore the "Michael Miller flannel fabric forest life with owl deer" fabric! So cute!!!
And I'm a follower!!
Already a follower of My Owl Barn and I love all the owl fabrics!! Especially the Robert Kaufman line! My daughter is a Chi O so I depend on your blog for lots of great ideas!!! marcie
I am a follower of My Owl Barn.
My favorite product at modes4u is the Christmas fabric especially those with snowman on them.
I followed modes4u on Facebook.
My favourite is the "Re-Ment Disney Alice Mirror Mascots Miniature" :)
And I'm a follower of My Owl Barn
I followed Modes4u on facebook :)
I blogged about the giveaway :)
i like the cute red mini felt shoulder bag with leather strap
gfc follower
gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom
following modes4u on fb and twitter
fb- gustosa giveaways
twitter - @gustosagiveaway
gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom
Follower of modes4u on Facebook!
I'm also follower of Myowlbarn. Iet and I have a fabric with owl collection
I love the moonlit owl fabric the most and I'm a my owl barn follower
Hi - Oh yeah, I'm a follower - love the range of fabrics but of course love the owls best of all.
I am a follower. My favorite is the Michael Miller fabric with pink and turquoise flowers. It is so pretty.
I `m a follower and a owl lover :)my favorite items at the modes4u shop are the tiny japanese print fabrics I`m waiting for my 1st order from them I did a bit of damage last week after finding the site on a blog
Now I can see so many kind owl that I've never seen before. Love your blog!
All instruction allready done. Wish me luck! ^^
twitter : @nindyaaaww
I like canvas retro fabric with typewriter & heart by Kokka ^^
Thanks for this giveaway!
I'm totally in love with Echino prints like this one:
You really make it difficult. I love everything at the site. One of my favourites is the "white fairy tale fabric with gingerbread house kawaii" fabric. because my daughter loves thart story.
I've been a follower for quite some time.
and I follow modes4u on Facebook!
I've made a post at my blog
My favourite fabric from Modes4u is by farturquise fly agaric fabric. And I truly hope some luck with owl giveaway as a nw follower!
I can't look at everything on modes4u because I want it all! I especially love the cute florets bunny Kokka fabric, but all the little accessories are so cute too!
Following the blog AND MODES4U ON TWITTER!!
My fav is the MM grey zoology zoo fabric! :)
Thanks for the chance to win!
I follow My Owl Barn also! :)
My favorite modes4u item is the kawaii Rilakkuma bear silicone chocolate mold.
I follow your blog
Great giveaway - and a great shop!
My favourite product is 'fairy tale fabric Alice in Wonderland by Kokka'....and I'm a follower!
Love the Little Red Riding Hood Canvas Fairy Tale Fabric Kokka. Thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
I'm a new follower of My Owl Barn
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
I follow modes4u on Facebook (Paula Lemos)
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Love the site especially grey the Robert Kaufman fabric with colourful flowers. It is super lovely.
Im a follower!
I love the cute pink-white striped socks with pink pony
GFC blog follower- mframe00
I Follow modes4u on Facebook- Michelle Frame
i'am your follower,and i like michael miller flanel fabric bcoz so cute
i'am your follower n i like michael flanel fabric
I love owls! I just got an owl tattoo!! My favorite from the Mode4u store is the blue Riley Blake fabric kawaii owl hedgehog deer!
Happy Holiday! Love your site! xoxo
I follow your lovely site! xoxo
I follow Modes4u on facebook and twitter!
Thank you! Good luck and Happy Holidays to everyone!
I love this:
the teal matryoshkas, though all of them are wonderful
thanks for the giveaway!
Also I follow
I like the elegant dark blue suitcase Lacquer Bento Box Lunch Box
I follow you as Karen.
niuniuzheng at gmail dot com
Of course I love the owl fabric. All of them but the What a Hoot design with the owls all on branches probably the most. :]
I'm a follower~
And I followed modes4u on FB.
My favorite modes4u product is the cute colourful owls fabric by Robert Kaufman (and I'm a follower).
I'm a follower.
My favourite Modes4U product is the cute colourful owls fabric Robert Kaufman
Followed modes4u on Facebook
And here is a blog post promoting the give away!
My favorite product on modes4u is green flannel fabric birds paisley by Robert Kaufman
My email:
And I’ve share this giveaway on my blog
wish me luck :D
I am following My Owl Barn. Thank you for fabby giveaway. And yes I do love owls too:)
I love so much stuff at modes4u but my favourite at the moment is big round turquoise Bento Box lacquer lunch box.
I follow you, too.
Thank you so much for the giveaway!
My favourite item is the small penguin plush cellphone charm from San-X. I love penguins. :D
I'm also a follower.
i loooove canvas retro fabric with typewriter & heart by Kokka. so cute and so vintage.
followed as Mita Adindayu
liked modes4u on facebook as Mita Adindayu
Ooooh this is amazing! I can't NOT participate in this giveaway. I love the colourful tropical birds fabric, would be ideal for a beach coverup or a dress to go out with!
Following modes4u on FB and twitter as well :)
I'm a follower!
I love the fabrics.....especially the food fabrics. I think my girls need lemon or lime dresses! (would love to see avocado fabric)
oH HOW LOVELY OF YOU ALL!!! beautiful fabrics, yum! thank you for doing such s sweet give away!!! ... it's baby deer fabric! How CUTE!
My favorite item is the Michael Miller flannel fabric Zoology zoo animal pastel
GFC follower
shel704 at aol dot com
Following Modes4u on Facebook
shel704 at aol dot com
elegant white fruit shop Lacquer Bento Box Lunch Box - so cute!
I am a new follower :)
Hello my name is YUNIKA DIANA ♥
My Twitter: @yunikadiana
My blog:
I've visited modes4u and my favourite product is cute red mini felt shoulder bag with leather strap.
I've followed My Owl Barn, now I'm your followers.
I've added modes4u on Facebook and also followed modes4u on Twitter.
I've blog about this giveaway with link to the giveaway and modes4u website.
I hope I'll win this giveaway ;)
Thx before.
Yunika Diana
My favorite product on modes4u is green flannel fabric birds paisley by Robert Kaufman
My email:
And I’ve share this giveaway on my blog
I’ve share your giveaway on my facebook
I’ve share your giveaway on my twitter!/pipinkuin/status/189567412432150530!/pipinkuin/status/189569924430168064
wish me luck :D
I like the pink fabric with sweets by Robert Kaufman
Following using GFC
I am following on Twitter
Pink Bambi kokka fabric with mushrooms. Lots to love there. I am a follower. You can contact me at
Dearcreatives at thanks for the chance!
I adore the funny pink felt camera case!
someluckydog at gmail dot com
I'm a follower!
someluckydog at gmail dot com
I like modes4u on facebook (Cindy Brooks)
someluckydog at gmail dot com
Lovely, lovely fave in the modes4u shop (so hard to pick just one)is the Robert Kaufman 'blue lime fabric', I love the colours.
I'm also a follower
My super-cute fave is the Michael Miller- Magical Evening purple fairy fabric *_*
GFC/blogger follower as Szappanbubi
porcukorborso at gmail dot com
Facebook follower of modes4u as Szabina Luzics
porcukorborso at gmail dot com
twitter follower of modes4u as @szappanbubbi
porcukorborso at gmail dot com
I love all things Hello Kitty, so loved the stickers and bags!
I'm a follower of the owl barn!!
I'm a Facebook follower of modes4u too ;)
WOW that is so hard to disaide!!!!!
mm i thing ill go with the erasers kit! thay are so fun to make and thay are allsow usefull :D
My current fave product is a (now oos) red pirate themed fabric. I managed to get the las pieces to make a carrier for my little girl's dollies to match my preordered connecta. woohoo!
I follow your blog.
Also follow ModeS4U on FB.
Me he hecho seguidora de tu blog.
Ya lo conocÃa y me encanta
Soy Begoña y mi mail es
Saludos desde Burgos (España)
Lo que mas me gusta son las telas y también los tape decorativos.
Es todo precioso!!!
Dejo enlace en mi blog para tu sorteo.
Espero que participe mucha gente.
Suerte para todos!!!
mi blog:
También soy seguidora de Facebook, también he dejado allà un comentario.
Ojala tenga suerte
Enter me!My favorite product is;
I liked on facebook
i follow on twitter
Those owls are adorable! All of them. I am a new follower to the blog.
I have been a follower of Modes4U on fb. :)
Oh gosh, I'm not sure I can pick a favourite product. I'm completely in love with all the fuwa fuwa sets! If I can to choose one, it'd be the Glitter Pastry Clay-Set because it has so many things included with it! Watch out behind you because I'm following you! ^.^
I followed you!
I love the pied Kutusita Nyanko cat paw plush pouch wallet
following mode4u on twitter @gracewong1
following modes4u on fb as Grace Wong
hello sist, i join ur giveaway ya :)
my fav product is cute blue mini felt shoulder bag
i've done with all requirements,
twitter (@pascatifa),
fb (Tifa Pascariyanti) and
uuu i love the printed-owl very much! they're soo super cute prints!
thanks for this chance,
great giveaway! wish i could win :)
i'm a new follower and i love the black Michael Miller fabric Eiffel Tower with flowers :)
I'm a follower, I'm a follwer :-) It's hard to pick one of the cute fabrics, but I'd love to win the blue fabric with cute owls from Robert Kaufman ;-)
I LOVE My Owl Barn!
i followed you on facebook (Ana Siti Rahayu Nurdiana) :)
The old rose Puss in Boots fairy tale fabric by Kokka Japan is my favorite! I am a follower and thanks for the giveaway!
My favourite in modes4u shop is
Michael Miller cherry blossoms fabric Sakura Blossoms. just fb!
And I'm your follower :)
Thank you for the giveaway, I love owls =)
- I Visit modes4u and my favorite product is :
- I am also a follower of My Owl Barn
I am looking forward to win this lovely giveaway.
- I Visit modes4u my favorite product: Matchbox stamp set owl clock
stamp set with
- I am a follower of My Owl Barn
So hard to choose a favourite fabric among all them!
I chose the animal fabrics, because I can't stop thinking about kids projects. I love the Robert Kaufman's green fabric with funny owls!
Thanks for this cute giveaway!
I cant believe that despite receiving emails from owl barn I wasnt 'following' the blog. I am now! And this is a fantastic prize. Hope I win. :)
I am following modes4u on facebook too now. SUCH a cute shop
My fav item on the modes4u shop - probably the fabic range and Im going to order some paper clay too. Ive never head of it before.
I'm a follower! I love the giveaway. Hope I get it! I love the small turquoise owl button brown made of Kokka fabric in modes4u.
Following as Lucie Q Ewen, and I love the big funny pink brick Bento Box ^___^
This blog is awesome!
Following modes4u on Facebook (Luthien Oltrefiume) and on Twitter (Lucie_Q)
They have this free international shipping option (over 60E) that is great!
My favorite is the kawaii black cat face wallet. I am a follower of your blog.
I liked modes4u on Facebook.
Hi, hope I wasn't late. I'm follower of owls and Myowlbarn. Modes4u shop is so cute. Michael Miller fabrics are great.
Love this! Oh I hope I'm not too late XD i love the Retro fabrics they're all so cool!
Love the green Santa Claus fabric reindeer by Robert Kaufman.
Theresa N
I'm a folower.
Theresa N
i've follow your blog and modes4u's twitter and also facebook.
i love all the fabric there, but ok. i've to choose one of those amazing cute fabric and i do love cute Michael Miller vintage fabric kitty Kitties the most.
i love all Robert Kaufman Fabric, soo cute :)
I am a follower this blog and i follow you on facebook ;)
wish me luck
Piena Mustika (Indonesia)
well my favorite in modes4u is anything owl of course!
I follow My Owl Barn!!
I can't choose my favorite product, but favorite category is FABRIC!!! I want it ALL!!!
I love it!
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