Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Anne Siems

'St Bird'

'Owl Bush'

'St Forest'

'Guidance Tree'

'Owl Clan Sisters'

'Owl with Collar'


'What the Fawn Heard'


I recently discovered the mystical artwork of Anne Siems an artist born in Germany now living in Seattle. Her fairy-tale like paintings are inspired from the Guide on Wildlife in Europe featuring unforgettable animal portraits, Early American Folk Art, and vintage as well as modern photography.

I am enamored with everything in her artwork from deep colors to the detailed animal portraits to transparent glass human figures to tiny little things like from flowers, feathers and shells that surround them. "These attributes reflect something about the being without giving a specific narrative. Ideas about life and death, sensuality, sexuality, nature, experiences in the realm of dreams, psyche and spirit are my ongoing topic."

Siems has participated in group and solo exhibitions in Canada, Europe and widely in the United States. Her work is included in collections at the Arkansas Art Centre, Boise Art Museum, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, and the Tacoma Art Museum.

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