Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Watchers - Owl Inspired Cabin

"The Watchers" is an owl cabin located on the Rives Arcins in Bordeaux, France. Designed by Zebra3/Buy-Sellf, the exterior is beautiful timber and the interior is geometric shapes and angles which allows a panoramic view of the breath-taking surroundings and star gazing from the strategically placed beds below the "predator's eyes". 

The cabin was inspired by the night owls that nest in the area and constructed as part of the Noise Initiative to promote the practice of hiking and enjoying the open outdoors. The best part is, it's completely free to live in one of these owl cabins! Anyone who wants to take a retreat and soak in the nature can book this cabin at no cost at all. If you live in France then this seems like a place you would want to look into for a short break away from the city life. For more information and details on making a reservation click here.

1 comment:

  1. This cabin is truly gorgeous. Stunning. I'd love to stay or even live in a place like this!
