Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sally-Ann Johns

London born artist Sally-Ann Johns presently living in Edinburgh studied Design and Craft at Gray's School of Art at Aberdeen graduating in 1999. With the focus on the use of reflective light she creates unique form of drawings of birds and owls that are surrounded with gold leaf and framed in a gold lined box that capture the light creating a striking piece for the viewer. She has worked for Cafe 52 in Aberdeen and the Bongo Club in Edinburgh, and has participated in many solo exhibitions as well as group shows.

From artist's website: "The work is displayed in its own beautifully hand-crafted case, a simple drawing becomes a precious artifact. I allow each image to stand alone, surrounding by the constantly changing light that reflects around it. The images are now what you would typically call holy or iconic; the animals are simplistic, sometimes flawed. I don't polish them or look for perfection, I leave them in their reflected light. I intend to demonstrate the ordinary to be extraordinary and leave each one as perfect in its imperfection."

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