Friday, September 19, 2014

Beautiful Portraits of Birds by Leila Jeffreys

I'll leave you for the weekend with these amazing portraits of Australian birds photographed by Leila Jeffreys. She photographs owls, eagles, cockatoos and other birds capturing their varied personalities, highlighting that many have human characteristics. 

"As a child I was always enamoured with animals, I saw them as 'people' which is how I formed a relationship with them from a very young age. As I've grown, I've watched the human population explode worldwide so I wanted to remind us all about the 'little people' that also share the planet."

She has worked with scientist researching endangered species, wildlife rescue groups, wildlife parks, zoos and private breeders that are all passionate about conservation of these feathered beings. If you wish to see her work in person then you can stop by at Olsen Irwin Gallery, Woollahra, Sydney where she exhibits through September 28th. 

Have a lovely weekend!

1 comment:

  1. These are breathtaking! Thanks for the tip:)

    Have a wonderful weekend too!
