Monday, March 23, 2015

Artwork Carved On Egg Shells: Christel Assante

Detail of Barn Owl Carved on Egg Shell

I am so excited to have discovered the stunning work of Christel Assante. French artist Christel Assante creates detailed carvings on egg shells using knives, vinegar, a drill, and sometimes paints beautiful drawings on them.

"I like drawing on this so symbolic shape, on this so pleasant material because very porous which allow numerous different technics ... The egg shape allows to present scenes which evolve as you turn around it. I like this idea .."

Assante uses all kinds of shells from duck, emu, goose, nandu, pheasant to quail eggs. While she is carving, she prefer to hold the egg shell in her hand to minimize vibrations. It can take her upto 8 hours to carve a goose egg shell and one week for an ostrich egg shell. For her work, she sources shells from her friends, neighbors, her mother who has variety of birds and from a farm in Gers.

Once her piece is completed, a light bulb is placed inside the carved shell through a hole which magical reveals every tiny, intricate detail in her creation.

You can see the step by step with images of the process on this link.

To learn more about her work, you can read the wonderful interview she gave to Art et Artisanat du Monde, here. If you are interested in buying her piece you can check out the available work for purchase here.

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