Friday, June 26, 2015

Luckyjuju: Katia Ferris

Katia Ferris is an artist and a crafter from San Francisco, CA. She hand crafts these lovely dolls called "Luckyjuju" that sell out in minutes after being listed. Luckyjuju dolls are handmade from new and vintage fabrics, felt, lace, ribbon, yarn and polyfill stuffing. The faces on the dolls are hand embroidered with floss. Each doll is one-of-a-kind dressed with removable clothes for easy cleaning. You may want to keep your eyes peeled if you want to buy something you like. 

Thanks "Jenng" for introducing us to Katia's lovely dolls.


  1. These dolls are so sweet! I feel in love with them the moment I set my eyes on them. No wonder, they sell out fast! Thanks for stopping by guys :)

  2. Very sweet babies.
    Here you can find beautiful hand-made vintage dolls.
