Thursday, June 4, 2015

Murgatroyd & Bean

Today I discovered a fascinating work of Kathleen Murphy also known as Murgatroyd & Bean an artist based in Herefordshire. She handcrafts textile curiosities in bright colors and embroidery stitches inspired by folklore and fairy tales. Her one-of-a-kind pieces are created using recycled fabric, hand embroidery and found objects. 

The creatures that you see above are from "The Silva Populi" a collection of woodland folk who are naturally shy and try to disguise themselves as woodland birds and beasts. They conceal their true identities by wearing tiny garments to look like the fur, ears or feathers of animals such as foxes or owls. They live in small glass jar and when they are not feeling too shy they agree to come out to have some fun. There is a delightful animation film where one of the Silva Populi is seen dancing!

She conducts workshop sessions at Trumpet Corner Art Studios & Tearoom where the students will learn embroidery, discuss their experiences and get a chance for problem solving, if any, on personal textile related project. If you are in the area and want to work with like minded people, you might want check out more details on her website.

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