Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hoot Owl, Master of Disguise

Hoot Owl, Master of Disguise is a children's book written by Sean Taylor with illustrations by Jean Jullien. It's a hilarious tale of a hoot owl who's preparing in the darkness of the night to catch some dinner. But it doesn't take too long before the reader discovers "the wise owl" is not a master of disguise. Neither his disguises nor his tricks of catching are working. He tries to be a sheep, a fountain and even a carrot in hope to catch a prey but all his attempts remain unsuccessful. 

The bold and simple graphics are created in thick lines. The characters are done in selective color scheme of black, orange,  green and most of the background is dark. It's a story kids will love to listen to again and again, and laugh out loud every time. Available to order here.