Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Figurative Paintings by Self-Taught Artist Chris Milk Hulburt

Chris Milk Hulburt is a Richmond based artist who paints on a non-traditional canvas - scrap woods. The self-taught painter didn't know his job would play such a significant role in building his career. In his twenties, he used to paint houses and when he found himself surrounded with pieces of wood and extra paint his creative juices started to flow. Today he paints mainly on wood using bright colored enamel. His figurative paintings depict feathered creatures, landscapes, vintage objects and quirky characters.

He has exhibited in several galleries in New York, Providence, Virginia and North Carolina. His has also worked on number of commissions that are in private collections all over the country. To know what is he working on currently, you can follow him on Instagram.


  1. These paintings are whimsical and delightful! Thank you for sharing this art with us. xox

  2. Yeah, Chris Hulburt's work is full of whimsical characters! Thanks for stopping by!
