Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Collages "Painted" With Torn Tiny Pieces From Magazines

Ohio based artist Deborah Shapiro creates detailed collages inspired by wildlife from torn and cut pages of magazines. It was in 2013, when she was home bound after having a jaw surgery, she found herself being gravitated towards the colors of the pages of the magazines she was reading and had an idea to "paint" with them. She collects pages of the magazines that are perfect in colors and textures for her subject matter. Each piece is constructed with hundreds of tiny pieces of paper that are carefully arranged that make her animals so realistic.

"There’s more than meets the eye," reads the artist's homepage. "My style weaves a sense of realism with the subject and a sense of abstraction in the details." Each artwork invokes curiosity in the on-looker to study the details. You can join her on Instagram for new work and behind the scenes.

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