Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Paintings of Female Figures With Their Companion Animals

Titti Garelli is an amazing artist who was born and lives in Turin, Italy. She makes these paintings of portrays of female figure as the main theme depicting them at the age when they are between childhood and young adulthood, an age to capture perfect beauty. Her protagonists are dressed in elaborate clothing inspired by art historical movements from the past and sometimes seen with a companion animal.

Over the last 20 years, her work has been sought-after by the publishing industry as well as by major international advertising agencies including M.Cann Erickson, J.W. Thompson, Young & Rubicam, Leo Burnett. She worked with renowned European brands as Barilla, Chicco, Mulino Bianco, Invicta, Findus, Jegermeister, Nestlè, San Pellegrino. She has exhibited in several art galleries both in her home country and abroad.

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