Monday, May 13, 2019

Pixelated Animal Sculptures by Shawn Smith

Shawn Smith is an artist based out of Austin, Texas who creates pixelated animals made of tiny cubes of wood. He was brought up in a city with no interaction with nature, through his wooden sculptures he explores the intersection between the digital world and reality. Each piece consists of thousands of handcut small wood pieces that artist treats as an individual pixel that form the whole image. 

He experienced the natural world through television and computer, and he focuses on how we experience nature through the technology. He sources the images of his subject he wants to work on through internet. Then through a painstaking process creates life-size whimsical sculptures that are a mix of the digital and the handmade. The artist likes to work primarily with balsa and bass wood that he meticulously hand cuts, paints and stores in containers in his studio.

“The way that I work by hand is a direct contrast to the speed and slipperiness of the digital world...I’m being deliberately analog in the way I use digital source material. Pixels distort and distill details — bits of information are lost. And I’m trying to understand how each pixel plays a role in the identity of an object and the image of that object” shares on his website.

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