Thursday, June 27, 2019

Adorable Slippers, Costumes and Taxidermy Birds by Sew Heart Felt


When I stumbled across those adorable owl slippers (top image) I had to find out more about the creators and their other creations. Sew Heart Felt was founded by UK award winning designer Sonia Spencer. The brand works with artisans from all around the world including England, Switzerland, Nepal, New Zealand, Tibet and India. 

The brand offers the cutest collection of slippers for adults and kids, costumes, head dress, taxidermy birds, rugs, puppets and more. Each product is handmade from beginning till end by skilled workers using natural materials. The dyes are natural and eco-friendly, and to make unique buttons or slipper sole expert carpenters or leather workers are employed. Take a look at many more fun products on their website, they ship internationally.

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