Monday, July 29, 2019

Life-like Animal Sculptures Made with Found Objects

Geoffrey Gorman grew up on an old plantation in the country outside of Baltimore. He went to variety of art colleges, designed and built contemporary furniture, worked as a gallery dealer, curated shows, was an art consultant and coach for artists before he became a full time artist.

He now creates amazing sculptures using found objects in Santa Fe, New Mexico. His sculptures are made with wood, metal, lead, and stone inspired by old quarries, woods filled with animals, dilapidated barns and houses some of the things that he grew up surrounded with.

"A broken bent tree branch, bleached from sun and rain, makes me think of weathered bones: fingers, legs, backbone, and hip bone. Old stained strips of cloth act like bandages and clothing, hiding and holding it all together. Sculpted wax covers the frame and joints of wood. Found and lost objects assembled into curious and evocative shapes is what excites me."

He has exhibited his work all around the United States, also in China and South Korea. His work has been featured in the New York Post, Southwest Art, American Craft, American Style and Cloth Paper Scissors. He recently showed his work at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts - "The Soul of Forgotten Materials". For information on his upcoming shows visit his website.

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