Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Woodcut Artwork in Fierce Color Palette by Jenny Pope



Ithaca, New York based artist Jenny Pope is a full-time artist who creates artwork inspired by the natural world. Her woodcut prints are a stunning combination of her love for animals and passion for art. She finds inspiration for her work in the scientific journals. Hallucigenia, wiwaxia, opabinia, flying squirrels, sabretooth cat and owls are only some of the creatures featured in her work. Her unique designs are colored in fierce color palette in limited edition.

"I enjoy the company of animals in life and in artwork. Invasive, endangered, and mythic animals uncurl from my imagination in the form of woodcut prints. I am constantly dumbfounded about how animals and the environment are treated but my hope is that education and understanding leads to respecting and attaching importance to our own backyards and beyond" via Plywerk.

You can find originals and prints in her online store JPOP Studios.

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