Thursday, April 30, 2020

3D Illustrations Created With Dirt, Coffee Beans and Cereal

Sarah Rosado was born in Bronx to an American mother and a Puerto Rican father, currently lives is Manhattan. Sarah has always been passionate about art, as a kid she would scribble and draw on almost anything she could get her hands on. She has evolved from drawing with pencil to digital, and later she got interested in photography.

"She developed an interest in photography focusing on capturing images and other creative scenes that are intended to fool the eye of the beholder with thought provoking and illusional images that are open for different interpretations by the viewer."

In 2013, the mixed media artist started an ongoing series "Dirty Little Secrets" combining her two passions - art and photography. The illustrations from the series were created using unexpected and not-so-pretty medium such as dirt that she sourced from local parks. Over the years, the artist included grains, flowers, tea, coffee beans, cereal, oreos, bagels, and vegetables into her tool box to draw with. Using artistic skills she shapes these things into owl, portraits of musicians, objects, landscapes, iconic monuments etc. adding real things that give her final piece a 3D feel.

Her work has been featured in The New York Post, MTV, Daily Mail, Huffington Post, Yahoo News, Cosmopolitan and more. She has more than 13K followers on Instagram who love her artwork. You can view her latest illustrations created using ketchup and red wine.

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